Gory Molalla Mini Aussie Dam

My Glorious, Glory! My soul mate! My Ying to my yang! My partner!!🥰 Glory is my biggest Aussies, She was the biggest in her litter ad I fell deep in love with her!😁 Glory is a Luna/Shome breeding. She is a blue merle with tan points.  She is 16 inches tall and about 30 pounds. She is sooo gentle and loving to a fault!! She’ll let me flip her upside down, twist her, spin her and she’s just fine with it! 😉 Glory is my most vocal dog, she loves to talk to me.😊 I never need to leash her and she stays right by my side! Super easy to teach and very loyal and responsive! My heart!🥰 my Glorious, Glory!


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(503) 824-4045

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